5 Personality Traits of Extroverts


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Do you love meeting new people? Does a big social event leave you feeling energized and renewed? If you can answer yes to these questions, then there is a possibility that you might just be an extrovert.

What is the origin of the term Extrovert?

It was Carl Jung who first popularized the concepts of introversion and extraversion while developing theories of human personality. The subsequent theories of personality, which basically revolve around these traits, include Cattell’s 16 personality factors, the four temperaments, the Big Five Personality traits, Eysenck’s three-factor model, Socionics, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. According to Carl Jung’s analytical psychology every person has both the traits of extroversion and introversion, the difference being that one of these personality traits may be more dominant in individuals. All the same people do not always behave according to their behavior type all the time.

What exactly is an extrovert? On the positive side, extroverts are often described as talkative, sociable, action-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, and out-going. On the negative side, they are sometimes described as attention-seeking, easily distracted, and unable to spend time alone.

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Which Therapy is Best for Depression?


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Whatever the therapy happens to be called, therapy for depression must incorporate the following elements:

  1. A therapist who has an up-to-date and accurate clinical understanding of what depression is. (You can check this by learning yourself through the Depression Learning Path.
  2. A therapy which is time-limited, active and focused on learning skills, not personality change.
  3. There should be a significant improvement in symptoms within 6 sessions, and usually earlier.
  4. A therapist who you feel you can work with.

There are well over 400 different types of psychotherapy on offer for clinical depression. This can be confusing to say the least. Continue reading “Which Therapy is Best for Depression?”

Psychotherapy Guide for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The Talking Cure”

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Psychotherapy is a popular form of treatment for generalized anxiety disorder(GAD). This type of treatment can be performed by a variety of mental health professionals. Though “talk therapies” share a number of features, different approaches are guided by differing theories and emphases.

Individuals with full-syndrome and sub-threshold GAD are likely to benefit from psychotherapy, which can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction withmedication.

The following is a brief description of the most popular talk therapy treatment methods for GAD.

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Why You Always Wake Up at the Same Time

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Have you ever wondered why you seem to wake up at nearly the same time every night or in the morning? Whether it is at 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, or another time—it occurs like clockwork. You might even wake up in the minute before your alarm clock is set to go off on a consistent basis. Why does this occur? Though some might ascribe this to causes that are paranormal, spiritual, or even related to shifts in the body’s energy systems, there may be more scientific explanations.

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How to Use Positive Affirmations to Manage Stress


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Positive affirmations are a great tool to reprogram your unconscious mind from negative thinking to positive. The idea is to take positive statements of what you would like to see manifested and repeat them enough so that they’re part of your way of thinking and seeing the world. This operates in the same way that negative self-talk does, but in a way that benefits you. To come up with your own positive affirmations, use the following guidelines:

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How to Improve Self-Esteem With Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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People who struggle with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) often find themselves struggling with low self-esteem. They may have poor confidence in themselves or think they are worthless. This can be a harmful symptom of GAD with long-lasting implications. The following is a brief overview of self-esteem theory and some ideas on how you can improve your opinion of yourself. For more self-help for GAD, check out this article for some specific tips to reduce worrying.

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How Exercise Can Help You Beat an Addiction

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Most treatments for addiction involve some kind of “talk therapy” or counseling, and focus on helping the person with the addiction to figure out why they continue to engage in addictive behaviors, despite problems developing as a result, and more effective ways of managing the feelings that underlie addictive behaviors.

While these approaches to treatment are helpful to many people with addictions, some feel they need an approach that helps with the physical, as opposed to the mental or emotional aspects of addiction.

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How To Make A simple life: First Steps


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Have you ever felt that you need to cut out some of the stress in your life, exercise more, or change your diet? Or would you like to create more significant changes in your life like making a career shift or getting into (or out of) a relationship? Many people have things they’d like to change in their lives in the areas of stress reliefand wellness, and wonder how to make a life plan. We often don’t make these change because of inertia, lack of focus, or other factors; changing one’s life is often easier dreamed than done.

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Why Does My Body Ache?  

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When You Ache All Over

Muscle pain that affects a small part of your body is usually caused by overuse — sore arms from lifting boxes all day, for example. Or it could be a minor injury, like a bruised shoulder after a fall. But when you ache all over your body, it’s more likely caused by an infection, illness, or medicine you’ve taken.

influenza virus

The Flu

When a flu virus hits, it brings on fever and congestion, and it can make your muscles ache, especially in your back, legs, and arms. It usually gets better on its own in a week or so, but call your doctor if it doesn’t. You also should see him if you have other health problems and you get the flu or you have a cough that doesn’t go away.

thyroid gland illustration


This is when your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough of certain key hormones. It can cause muscle and joint aches, as well as swelling and tenderness. It can make you tired and lead to memory problems, thinning hair, dry skin, high cholesterol, slowed heart rate, and other issues. Your doctor can do a simple blood test to find out if you have it, and if so, drugs can help replace the missing hormones.

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Blood Flow Problem

If you have pain in your arms, legs, or both, your muscles may not be getting enough blood — a problem called claudication. At first, you may notice it only when you exercise, but in time, you might feel it when you sit or walk. This is usually caused by a condition called arteriosclerosis, which is when there’s blockage in the tubes that carry blood to your muscles.

lupus symptoms female anatomy


This is a kind of autoimmune disease — it causes your immune system, which normally helps protect your body, to attack your tissues and organs. When lupus affects your joints or muscles, it can make them stiff, and it can hurt to move. There’s no cure, but medication and certain exercises can help control your symptoms. Talk to your doctor about what would work best for you.

rheumatoid arthritis in hands

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is also an autoimmune disease — it mainly affects your joints and can lead to bone loss. It can cause pain and inflammation all over your body, and your joints may swell into odd shapes. Medication and physical therapy can help with your symptoms, but there’s no cure. In some cases, you may need surgery to repair the affected joints.

thyroid dermatomyositis on eyelid


This autoimmune disease makes your muscles and joints ache and causes painful, itchy, red or purple rashes on your eyelids. It also makes spots on your knuckles, elbows, knees, and toes, can dry your skin, thin your hair, and cause swollen, irritated skin around your fingernails. It can be triggered by infection, drugs, or cancer. There’s no cure, but your doctor can help you manage your symptoms with drugs and physical therapy.

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This condition can cause pain in your joints and muscles as well as problems with sleep, mood, and memory. Scientists think it happens when your brain takes normal, mild pain signals and mistakenly makes them worse. It may be triggered by illness, surgery, or severe mental stress. Medicine can ease symptoms, and exercise and relaxation techniques like yoga may help, too.

polymyositis in muscle tissue


This happens when something — possibly a virus or a problem with your immune system — inflames muscles all over your body, especially in your belly, shoulders, upper arms, hips, and heart. Over time, your muscles can start to break down, and it might be hard to swallow or catch your breath. Your doctor may suggest drugs to ease inflammation or calm your immune system and physical therapy to help you regain muscle strength.

exhausted woman on sofa

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The main symptom of this condition is extreme tiredness (fatigue) that can’t be explained by anything else. It may get worse with exercise or mental strain, but rest doesn’t make it better. You also may have muscle pain, memory problems, sore throat, joint pain, and headaches, and you may not be able to sleep well. There’s no cure, but medication and physical therapy can help manage your symptoms.

doctor examining senior woman

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

This quickly brings pain and stiffness in your shoulders, neck, upper arms, buttocks, hips, or thighs that can be worse in the morning. You also may have fever, fatigue, weight loss, depression, and no appetite. Doctors think certain genes can make you more likely to get it. Something in the environment, like a virus, also may play a part. Steroids can ease pain and inflammation, and your symptoms may go away, but the condition can return

rocky mountain spotted fever

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Bacteria called R. rickettsii  cause it, and a tick bite is usually how you get it. Most of the symptoms are flu-like — fever, chills, headache, nausea, insomnia, and muscle aches. A rash that doesn’t itch can show up on your wrists and ankles after a few days, then spread. Antibiotics treat it, and the sooner you take them, the better. If not treated, it can lead to inflammation in your lungs, heart, and brain, then kidney failure.

lyme disease on leg

Lyme Disease

Bacteria from a tick bite also cause this. It can bring on fever, chills, tiredness, body aches, and a headache. Another sign is a “bull’s-eye” rash that’s clear in the middle and grows over a period of days — it can be up to 12 inches across. The rashes — there can be more than one — don’t necessarily show up near the bite. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics, but some people still have aches and tiredness after finishing the drugs

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Drugs called statins are used to control high cholesterol, and about 30% of people who take them say they have muscle pain. If this is happening with you, talk to your doctor. She may be able to give you a different medication


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